ELECTRONIC FORENSICS: First Responders Course

The AFCA First Responders Course has been designed for professionals who are first on the scene and are faced with having to secure electronic evidence. In many cases, specialist forensic personnel are not available to secure evidence and the ability to fill in the gap for them can mean the difference between capturing vital evidence before it is gone. This course has been specifically designed for students with positions in law enforcement, military policing, intelligence, or other regulatory careers. 

From learning how to identify electronic devices that may hold evidence, through to securing that evidence and returning it to an analyst, this course will provide students with the skill sets to secure vital electronic evidence in a forensically sound manner.

Course Content

This qualification has been designed to provide a package of a defined range of competencies reflecting the workplace responsibilities to acquire electronic evidence in a forensically sound manner. 

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication. 

The Electronic Forensics: First Responder Course is comprised of eight units of competency leading to a statement of attainment These have been carefully selected to ensure that they meet industry needs.

Course Units

DEFFOR001 – Inspect, maintain and test electronic forensic equipment

DEFFOR002 -Conductinitial electronic investigation

ICTSAS203 – Connect hardware peripherals

ICTSAS205 – Maintain IT system integrity

ICTICT206 – Install software application

ICTSAS301 – Run standard diagnostic tests

ICTICT302 – Install and optimise operating system software

ICTICT303 – Connect internal hardware components

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Course Details

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Course Duration

This Qualification is to be delivered online with 320 hours of learning and 40 hours of assessment.

The total time commitment is 360 hours.

Course Fees

Your total investment for the Electronic Forensics: First Responders Course is AUD$3,160.00
Call our office to discuss a payment plan that suits you best.

  • There are no prerequisites for entry into this qualification.
    Our training is open and responsive to all people irrespective of age, gender, cultural or ethnic
    background, disability, sexuality, unemployment, imprisonment or remote location.

    These are likely to be new learners:
     Those wishing to undertake a full qualification to gain further employment in the sector;
     Those wishing to advance their career in the sector;
     Those wishing to upskill or refresh their knowledge after time in the industry; and
     Those updating a previous qualification to maintain currency.

Qualifications Issued

Certificate of Attainment – First Responders

Delivery Mode

This qualification will be delivered online at a pace best suited to the student.

Recognition Of Prior Learning

You may be eligible to gain status for previous industry experience, studies in other courses or from other training providers.

If you fit in this category enquire about RPL/RCC or credit transfers which could significantly shorten your study requirements. Find out more on the RPL page of this website.


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